Jan Mikael Nikander

Technical artist experienced with UE4, PBR and NPR, profiling on PS4, CPU/GPU optimizations and AAA production.
Dedicated, passionate, fast learner, skilled at applying new information, enjoys challenges.
Values communication.

Christopher Polhemgymnasiet, Visby, Sweden (2005 – 2008) 
  • Computer science.
  • Studied C++, C#, C, hardware programming, electrical engineering.
Nihongo Center, Kyoto, Japan (2008-2009, 2010-2011)
  • Japanese language studies.
Osaka Communication Art College, Osaka, Japan (2012 - 2015)
  • Received a Diploma degree in Game Programming.
  • Studied C++, Objective-C, Java, Game Mathematics.
  • Developed an engine in OpenGL and a game for my graduation project.

Starbreeze, Stockholm, Sweden (2017-Now)
Technical Artist

Overkill's The Walking Dead
  • Author&document materials in UE4 for environment and weapons
  • Develop visualizers to help further optimize scenes
  • Profiling on PC and console and optimization on rendering   
  • Author&document materials
  • Profiling and optimization
 CyberConnect2, Fukuoka, Japan (2015 – 2017)
Technical Artist

Final Fantasy 7 Remake:
  • Developing tools and shaders in HLSL and materials in UE4 for characters, environment and effects.
  • Profiling and making sure scenes and assets are optimized.
  • Work closely with artists to further improve workflow and to understand artists’ needs.
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4:
  • Assisted with various tasks.
Miscellaneous work:
  • Integrated NPR Rendering (Cel Shading) into UE4s’ rendering pipeline.
  • Created various visualizers for debugging and optimization purposes for multiple projects.

  • C++, HLSL, GLSL, UE4, Enlighten, RenderDoc, PS4 Razor Profiler, PIX, Substance Designer & Painter.
  • Certificate of Japanese-Language Proficiency Level N2 (2010)
  • Jikei Education Science Center Communication Skill up Test Certificate (2013)

Published in an article about young engineers in the CGWorld Entry magazine (2015)

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